Properly approach the choice of magnet
Properly approach the choice of magnet

Some companies specialize in the production of rare earth magnets according to customer specifications. In order to provide you with the necessary product at a good price, they need to provide as much information as possible about the required magnet.

It is necessary to know:

  1. Type and Grade (N35, N40, N42 or N50, etc.),
  2. Material,
  3. Size, shape,
  4. The direction of magnetization (for example, radial ring magnets),
  5. Surface coating (if required)
  6. Quantity.

Disc and cylindrical magnets can be longitudinally (axially) or diametrically magnetized. Disc, cylindrical and ring magnets are most often magnetized along their geometric axis. The North and South poles are on flat, round surfaces. This is called axial magnetization, since the direction of magnetization is along the axis of the china magnet.

Diametrically magnetized magnet is magnetized in diameter. The North and South poles are located on a curved surface, on opposite sides.

Magnets blocks are defined in three dimensions: length, width and thickness. Some companies determine the size by thickness along the axis of magnetization. Thickness is usually the smallest size, but not always.

Ring magnets can be longitudinally or diametrically magnetized.

Spheres can only be magnetized in the axial direction. There is only one possible direction.

Round magnet mounts are assembled with axially magnetized discs or ring magnets mounted inside a steel cup. The north pole of the magnet is facing out. Magnets arc segments can be magnetized in one of four directions.

But nevertheless, when choosing any magnet for personal or commercial purposes, it is worth calling a specialist for a consultation. They will help you, answer any of your questions and tell you about everything that interests you in this area.

Image by InstagramFOTOGRAFIN from Pixabay

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