Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash
Some people are perplexed by the idea of taking specialized Microsoft Office Courses. It would seem, what is the point of this? What difficulties can arise in order to type text in MS Word or fill in table cells in MS Excel? Everything is on the surface, turn it on and use it, and if you have any questions, you can always check with the “Help”.
And there is some truth in this. Indeed, the interface of most of the programs included in the “Office” is extremely intuitive, and you can work with them quite successfully, even without having any experience. However, there are some nuances.
Two reasons to study Microsoft Office
First, “Office” is not limited to “Word” and “Excel”. They are, of course, the most well–known of the programs included in the package and cover most of the needs of the average PC user. Many even forget that something else is included in it. However, there is, for example, PowerPoint for creating presentations, OneNote for collecting and organizing notes, Access for database management and much more. On the one hand, they have a much less intuitive interface, on the other, their usefulness in general may not be obvious at first glance. To understand how they can make your life easier, you need to first understand them, at least at a minimal level.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash
Second, the MO package contains much more than just a text and table processor. The functionality is not limited to simple typing in the Word. This is only a hundredth of the opportunities provided. The “Help” function may not always help to solve more complex tasks. At the same time, some procedures that you spend a dozen actions on can be performed with a single click of the mouse button. And this can be learned only in specialized courses. Pay attention to Excel. This is a much more flexible and multifunctional program than it seems at first glance. After studying at the courses, you will really learn all the secrets of the program and will be able to literally provide the best capacity at work.
Photo by Ed Hardie on Unsplash